Visitors to our pre-school at Freemantle Baptist Church comment on the way in which its organisation and layout invites children to ‘come and play’.
Housed in the church hall in Freemantle, the spacious environment is well resourced, comfortable and inviting. There is much to spark children’s enthusiasm, imagination and creativity both indoors and out, from the role play area, to the outdoors play house or sensory room.
You will always find children engaged in happy, purposeful activities.
For further details, enquiries about places and hours, and any other information, please call us, contact us using the form on this page, or use the Express interest button above.

Manager's Message

Hello, my name is Sam - I am the manager of Paint Pots Testwood Road. I started working in the childcare sector as an apprentice in 2003. I have worked in a few different settings over the years in various different roles. I started working at Paint Pots in 2011 at the Waterloo Road site, and I soon moved to open St Marks Paint Pots in 2012, where I have since been the manager.
I have a passion for looking after children, and watching them learn and grow every day, being a part of their journey is such a special thing and I feel especially lucky to experience this every day. I have a daughter who also attended Paint Pots until she went to school and she loved going to pre-school- even asking me to take her in the holidays!